School Counseling » Academic Development / Support

Academic Development / Support

Meet with your teacher(s) during Advisory Period or Flextime to receive extra academic support. Remember, your teachers are the most knowledgeable about what is going on within their classroom, so do not be afraid to ask for help!
Use a planner DAILY to keep everything organized so you never miss an assignment. If you don’t want to buy one, come to the counseling office – we have extras!
Evaluate how you are spending your time. Make sure you are not overbooking yourself with too many school activities and/or work that it is impacting your ability to do well in school.
Schedule an appointment with your school counselor to discuss your academic concerns
Request a peer’s help in or out of class
Check out this resource to improve your study skills: Study Skills Handbook
Check out this free website that offers lessons in all subjects: Khan Academy


Grade Point Average (GPA) is reported on a 100-point scale, corresponding to the following letter grades:



Percentages of 93 thru 100 translate to a letter grade of A (3.6 – 4.0 GPA).


Percentages of 85 thru 92 translate to a letter grade of B (2.6 – 3.5 GPA).


Percentages of 77 thru 84 translate to a letter grade of C (1.6 – 2.5 GPA).


Percentages of 70 thru 76 translate to a letter grade of D (.8 – 1.5 GPA).


Percentages below 70 translate to a letter grade of F (less than .7 GPA).



* Note that GPA on a 4.0 scale is estimated. Colleges/universities will convert your GPA if necessary



All students receive four report cards a year, which serve as a tool for communication between the school and the home regarding a student’s progress. Report cards can be used by students and parents to make adjustments to academic habits throughout the year. It is highly recommended that students and parents discuss academic progress together and that they contact the school with any questions or concerns.


Course selection for next school year typically occurs in January. It is important to consider the courses you choose in high school because there are required courses you need to select to graduate, and this is your opportunity to pick electives that interest you and help prepare you for your future after graduation.


If you missed Course Selection Night, click here for our presentation:


Course Selection Presentation


Check out these other course selection resources to help guide you in the process!



 Updated Career Pathways


HS Graduation Worksheet


To earn an East Pennsboro Area High School Diploma, you must meet the following graduation requirements:


English                                               4.0 Credits

Science                                              3.0 Credits

Math                                                   3.0 Credits

Social Studies                                    3.0 Credits

Physical Education                            1.0 Credit

Health and Safety Education             1.0 Credit

Career Education                               0.5 Credits

Economics & Personal Finance         0.5 Credits

Computer Elective                              0.5 Credits

Electives                                             8.5 Credits


Total Credits = 25.0


A full-year class equates to 1.0 credit and a half-year class equates to 0.5 credits. Your Physical Education and Health classes are each 0.25 because they are half a year long, every other day.


Check out this 4-Year Graduation Plan to help make sure you’re on track with graduating in 4 years!


4-Year Planning Guide



In addition to all the credits you must earn to graduate, you must also meet one of the following Pathways related to ACT 158 (Keystone Exams):

  1. Proficiency Pathway - a student would need to score a proficient or above on the Algebra, Biology, and English Keystone Exams to meet this pathway
  1. Composite Pathway - a student would need to achieve at least one proficient score and not score below a basic on any of the three Keystone Exams AND achieve a combined total score of 4452 to meet this pathway.
  1. Alternative Assessment Pathway - a student would need to score a 1010 on the PSAT, a 970 on the SAT, or a 31 on the ASVAB to meet this pathway. Students are also able to use acceptance to a non-profit four (4) year institution as evidence for graduation.
  1. Evidence Based Pathway - a student would need to provide three (3) pieces of evidence for graduation. These pieces of evidence are outlined in the link below.
  1. CTE Pathway - a student would need to successfully complete the requirements for a career and technical educational program to show evidence for graduation.

This presentation has more detailed information about Law related to ACT 158: Act 158 Graduation Pathways


Cumberland Perry Area Career & Technical Center (CPACTC) serves students from fourteen high schools in Cumberland, Perry, York, and Adams County.  CPACTC is an extension of your high school, offering intensive instruction in 22 career and technical programs. Students attend CPACTC for half of their school day, taking courses in their technical program plus social studies.  Students attend their sending high school for English, science, mathematics, physical education, and other graduation requirements.


Typically, students attend CPACTC beginning in tenth grade.  However, we will accept students in eleventh and twelfth grade if space permits.  Students coming in eleventh and twelfth grade may not be able to complete all Program of Study requirements, but they will gain an advantage in the college and career world compared to a student who has not experienced any career and technical education program.


For students that missed the CTC presentation, click here:


CTC Presentation


Apply online by clicking here.


For more information go to Home | Cumberland Perry ( and learn about the different shops and opportunities available for you.


The Dual Enrollment program allows eligible students to enroll in high school courses and earn credit with a local college or university simultaneously. If a student is interested in participating in this dual enrollment program, they should consult with their school counselor.


Eligibility Requirements:


  • Students must complete or have scheduled sufficient credits to meet graduation requirements
  • (Incoming Juniors interested in dual enrollment must be on track to accumulate at least 19 credits in all necessary content areas by the end of their Junior year. Incoming Seniors must be on track to accumulate 25 credits in all necessary content areas by the end of their Senior year)
  • Be in good academic standing (no previous high school failures)
  • No outstanding attendance issues, disciplinary infractions, etc.

Dual Enrollment Guidelines:


  • Dual enrollment courses taken and successfully completed by the students will satisfy East Pennsboro's graduation credit requirements, but will not be used in the student's grade point average calculation. 
  • 3.0 college credits will be recorded as 1.0 high school credit on the high school transcript
  • High school students only schedule 7.0 high school credits per school year, therefore a student enrolled in dual enrollment cannot exceed that number of credits when factoring in their high school courses and their dual enrollment courses
  • The cost of the dual enrollment course is the responsibility of the student/family
  • Transportation (to and from the college) is the responsibility of the student/family
  • The dual enrollment course must occur during the school year 
  • After registering for a dual enrollment course students must complete the EPAHS Dual Enrollment Committment Form: EPAHS Dual Enrollment Committment Form

Course Selection:


During high school course selection students should still select their 7.0 credits of high school classes (and 3 alternate electives). School counselors will adjust a student’s schedule to meet their dual enrollment needs once this is confirmed with the college.


Tips & Suggestions:


If your student has an idea of where they would like to attend college inquire with that college whether they would accept dual enrollment credits. Some colleges are selective in whether they will accept dual enrollment credits or if they will only accept certain courses, therefore it is good to inquire before you spend your money.


Shop it out in terms of cost per credit and course offerings. East Pennsboro Area High School has a dual enrollment partnerships with the following colleges/universities: Harrisburg Area Community College (HACC), Central Penn College, Harrisburg University, Messiah Univesity, and Shippensburg University.


Creating a mixed schedule of high school and dual enrollment courses can be tricky, especially if the student is electing to take an on campus dual enrollment course. For flexibility of the schedule and transportation needs consider enrolling in an online or even an online/asynchronous dual enrollment course. If a student chooses to take an online course they may complete this course in the high school library during one of our high school class periods.


After successful completion of dual enrollment course(s) students should request from the partnering dual enrollment univesity that their dual enrollment transcript be sent directly to the college/university they will be attending after graduation. 


Links to Dual Enrollment Partnerships:


Central Penn




Harrisburg University




Shippensburg University


The Work-Study Program will offer qualified seniors the opportunity to schedule required classes during the morning and obtain a part-time job during the afternoon. It is designed to provide supervised paid employment under the guidance of an experienced mentor in their field of interest as indicated by their selection of Career Pathways.


This course will give students a chance to apply the skills and knowledge they have learned in their academic courses in a real-world experience. Through enrollment in this program, students will be able to make more informed choices about their future and assess their opportunities for advancement, job satisfaction, and further training and education.


A certified cooperative education coordinator employed by the school district will make regular on-the-job observations of the students, confer with the student’s employer about fulfillment of job responsibilities, and assess the student’s academic and work progress. The students must be able to provide their own transportation to and from the work site and meet all attendance, academic, and behavioral standards listed in the Work-Study Experience Application.


Parents/guardians who wish to enroll their student in the EPASD Panther Academy program must schedule an entry meeting at least two weeks prior to the start of the marking period with the student’s EPASD school counselor, school administration, and case manager (if applicable).


At this time, Panther Academy is only available for full time students and credit recovery (upon school counselor and school administration discretion and guidance). Supplemental enrollment exceptions will only be made as needed to fulfill accommodations pertaining to 504 plans, IEPs, GIEPs, and medical necessities on a case by case basis at the discretion of school administration.


Are you currently struggling in high school and thinking of dropping out?


Completing high school is one of the surest ways to open career options, earn better pay, and ensure greater life stability and self-reliance. The goal of the Keystone State ChalleNGe Academy is to help get you back on track!


The Keystone State ChalleNGe Academy is a 22-week residential program located at Fort Indiantown Gap in Annville, PA that begins in Mid-January and Mid-July each year. This is a federally and state-funded program that is completely free to students who apply and are accepted.


The purpose of the program is to offer students opportunity to work towards earning high school credits, credit recovery or their GED in an environment that provides support, structure, guidance and understanding.


You may qualify for admission if you meet the following criteria:


  • Between 16 and 18 years of age on the first day of the Residential Phase. Applicants 15 years of age may be admitted with the Director's approval but are not eligible to take the GED®. Cadets who will turn 19 during the Residential Phase are eligible for admission.
  • At risk of not graduating from high school, or no longer attending any school and has not received a high school diploma or equivalent certificate.
  • A citizen or lawful permanent resident of the U.S. and Pennsylvania
  • Not under indictment, or ever convicted of a felony (or any crime that would be a felony if perpetrated by an adult), and not currently on parole or probation for other than juvenile status offenses or misdemeanors.
  • Willing to be free from the illegal use of drug or substances, alcohol, and tobacco products
  • Physically and mentally capable to fully participate with reasonable accommodations
  • Able to communicate sufficiently with program staff to participate safely in the program

To learn more about the program, click here.